Many homeowners in New Hampshire still run older wood stoves, but over time, these age out and need replacement. If your stove is reaching the end of its life, here are a few reasons you should upgrade your old wood stove:

1. New stoves are more efficient: 

They produce more heat with less wood, which is achieved through improved combustion and re-burn processes. These newer stoves burn the smoke that comes off of the fire for extra heat – usually through a set of baffles or a catalyst (or both as newer hybrid technology stoves become more prevalent).  

2. Fewer emissions:

While not a huge legal concern in most of the areas we service, there are a few places with emissions requirements. Burning more efficiently means less smoke coming out the top.  

3. Safety:

Burning more efficiently and cleanly means less chance of a chimney fire, in turn making your house safer. Chimney fires do happen, but you can greatly reduce those chances by eliminating the combustible buildup associated with older stoves.  

4. They will save you money and effort:

Burning more efficiently means more “bang for your firewood buck”.  You need to purchase, use and stack less wood.  On average a newer wood stove will burn ⅓  less wood than an older stove.  

Wood Stove InstallationOne other important consideration is that most older stoves are now in rough shape —– the cast iron is fatigued, internal baffles and structures are warped or missing, and they tend to be leaky. Odds you’ve retired most of your other 40-year-old appliances. How safe is it to continue running your old stove? 

However, one note of caution is that newer appliances, while having many positives, are much less tolerant of substandard chimneys and fuel supplies. The higher efficiency means they really need good, dry fuel and a proper chimney to vent them. If you make that investment now, you will recover it by the money you save year over year.  

As always, call us anytime to set up a consultation to upgrade your old wood stove. We have a regularly staffed office filled with educated and certified technicians who would be excited to discuss your needs. Call 603-525-7905 or fill out the form to contact us!


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