Your fireplace is only one part of your chimney system, and no part can be neglected. The smoke chamber keeps your chimney working because it funnels the smoke into the chimney, and out of the house. If the smoke chamber doesn’t work properly, your chimney’s safety and efficiency declines. The smoke chamber, fireplace, and chimney become more susceptible to damages, as well.

Why a Smoke Chamber Parge is Important - Hillsborough NH - Black Moose Chimney & StoveWhat is Parging?

Parging is a layer of mortar applied to the walls of the smoke chamber. This mortar is beneficial for a few reasons. It’s a necessity to repair cracks and irregularities in the smoke chamber. In addition, correcting structural issues that may not adhere to code requirements. Your chimney sweep should assess your smoke chamber during a routine chimney inspection, and will recommend parging if needed.

Why Parge?

Common reasons that Black Moose recommends parging may include:

  • Cracks and holes in the masonry. Cracks in the masonry can allow air to escape from the smoke chamber. Consequently, this affects the draft that pulls the smoke up into the flue and out the chimney.  Applying mortar closes these gaps as well as protects against new cracks occurring.
  •  Irregularities and uneven masonry. If the smoke box was constructed poorly, the walls may be uneven. This is because of poor stone placement and bulging mortar between the bricks. Parging covers and  smooths these irregularities, and leaves a smooth surface that helps airflow. Air flow improves draft and efficiency of the chimney.
  • Code regulations. Most building codes require smoke chambers to be parged. If your smoke chamber hasn’t been parged, it’s most likely because your home is older than your local building codes. It might  also be that previous homeowners have avoided the job. Therefore, purposefully staying in violation of building codes. This is not recommended. It’s likely that your homeowners will not cover an accidental  fire that occurs in a fireplace and chimney system that isn’t up to code.

Call the Professionals At Black Moose. All of our technicians are CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® (CCS). We are aware of most building codes in our service area. Learning to parge is not part of the requirements to earn a certification from Chimney Safety Institute of America. However, Black Moose technicians are trained and experienced in mixing durable mortar and applying a smooth surface for optimum chimney efficiency.

When you choose Black Moose for your parging, you can count on professional and timely service every time. An expert mason is standing by to take your call today.

Call (603) 525-7905 or request an appointment online.