A CSIA-certified chimney sweep is your best friend when it comes to keeping your chimney safe and ensuring that it operates the way it’s supposed to. Next time you have a chimney cleaning visit scheduled, here are a few things you can do ahead of time to make the job as simple, mess-free and productive as possible.
What to do with your pets
You may have a dog who loves company. Or you may have one who believes it’s his job to protect you from all intruders. In either case, dogs (and other free-roaming pets) should be kept out of the way when your chimney sweep is working on your chimney. Enclose pets in another room or in the yard to prevent any possible trouble.
Avoid using your fireplace that day
Ensure that your firebox is cool and safe by not burning a fire before your chimney sweep arrives. The walls inside your fireplace can soak up heat and stay hot long after a fire is put out, so it’s a good idea to avoid using the fireplace on the day of your chimney cleaning appointment. Also, remove leftover ashes, logs, wood chips and the grate from your firebox and the screen from in front of it to give the technician easier access.
Open a path from the driveway to the fireplace
Your chimney sweep will bring various equipment into your home, so make sure there’s a clear path from the driveway, where he or she will park the truck, to the front door and through the home to the fireplace. A little rearranging of furniture, toys and odds and ends will make for a safe and easy trip to the area where the work will be done.
Protect furnishings and other nearby items
Professional chimney sweeps take precautions to keep soot and ash from blowing around in your room during a chimney cleaning visit. But there’s nothing wrong with you taking a few precautions of your own, especially if you have items of particular value near the fireplace. Use drop cloths or sheets to cover furniture, lighting, rugs, drapes, curtains, wall treatments and other items in the vicinity of the work area.
Talk with your kids
If younger children will be in the home while your chimney is being cleaned, remind them to stay out of the way and let the technician get the job done. While a chimney sweep’s equipment isn’t necessarily dangerous, it’s always safest to keep children a good distance away from the work area.
Write down your questions
If you have questions about how your fireplace or chimney operates or have noticed something that you don’t think should be happening within the system, make a note so you can ask your chimney sweep. Certified chimney service techs have a wealth of knowledge about chimneys and fireplaces and are happy to share it with you. A chimney sweep visit is also a good time to learn more about other services the sweep provides.
Black Moose Chimney & Stove serves Antrim, NH, and other communities in southern New Hampshire with the best in chimney cleaning, chimney repair/rebuilding, chimney inspection and more. When you need it done right by certified professionals, we’re the first number to call. Reach us any time at (603) 525-7905.